You guys have no idea how much I love what I do. Getting out there, meeting all You fun-loving new friends, having an hour or so full of belly laughs, some happy tears and lots of family snuggles. It is beyond awesome to be invited into Your lives, to capture You and Your unique family memories.
To be honest with You – me and my little tribe have had our fare share of family session experiences.. Trust me I know, that sometime it sucks. It really sucks. The photographer You hired to capture Your family memories – hates kids (and is pretty bad at hiding it).. or there’s absolutely zero communication. Non before, non during, non after Your session.. leaving You feeling completely ‘blahhh’ .. ugh.. what a drab. Since I KNOW what I absolutely hate about some of the experiences we’ve had in the past.. I work SO hard to make sure My clients walk away with the total opposite
My clients come to me because they appreciate the value of The Photograh. Does this sound like YOU?? Well wohoo! We could be the perfect matchy-match <3
So HECK YA to playful, emotionfilled, belly laughing freaking AWESOME family sessions this year!!